This is the place to ask questions about graduate school, training programs, or general basic career topics. If you are just learning about the field and want to know if it is something you should explore, this thread is probably the correct place for those first few questions on your mind.
Comment 1: How's everyone's Part 1 studying going? I'll start:
It hasn't.
Comment 2: I am curious about centers that have installed a single room proton machine. How is it going?
This is one of those rare times when this might be better posted on the main board instead of the career/grad school sticky.
Response 1: Edit: I locked this comment because u/\_Shmall_ has posted this question to the main board. Please go there to answer this question.
Response 2: Cool! Thanks
Comment 3: Finally finishing my journey in the university by a dissertation, yet I lack the ideas for a proper subject for it.
Something new and thorough, either in radiotherapy, brachytherapy, treatment planning systems, quality control of linacs or CT MRI etc Anything is very welcome, thank you in advance :D Also happy to answer any questions you have about the field.
Response 1: Two words: FLASH
Response 2: Two more words for u/nutrap:
Where in US?
In terms of Medical Physics and not engineering. What I am getting at is the clinical application, not building the actual thing.
Response 3: Do you mean flash radiotherapy? The high dosage treatment plan ?
Response 4: Yes. Flash. I don't know if it meets both your criteria. It is gaining popularity and I have seen increasing talks on it over the last few years. I don't know how thorough you want the field to be. It may be hard to find the right institutions to do research with especially in the US.
Response 5: Yeah my dissertation is going to focus on practical and clinical examples instead of theory so since not alot of clinics use FLASH despite the concept being very interesting I might have issues proving it's worth it
Comment 4: For those of you applying to residency programs & wondering why Landauer Medical Physics wasn’t on MP-RAP, that has been solved (sort of). Landauer sold its therapy division to Aspekt Solutions in October, including the residency. Aspekt has been working with CAMPEP to change the ownership of the residency. The decision to post on MP-RAP prior to formal change of ownership was done last week.
So if you’ve got an application for Landauer in Constantinople, Aspekt will be waiting in Istanbul.
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